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Iraq Production. Iraq Is COMING SOON !!!!!!!!!!!
Iraq Production. Iraq Is COMING SOON !!!!!!!!!!!
Категория: Сообщество Sevlush Автор: BondoZvon 29.09.2011 Просмотры: 1857


We are developers of the Iraq and we are going to say that we will release next full test version of legendary map Iraq for you player for free and for questions you can ask me skype jameslobster, or skype yanecharya. This version contains a huge .pak advantages in gameplay from Iraq developers. Thanks a lot. This map is for FREEROAM FIGHTS with all stuff of DYNAMICS and ACCELERATIONS.

Screenshots you can see in the photo album of Iraq. Iraq.pak size is over than 500mb you should know that.

Скоро выйдет то, что вы все долго ждали. Единственное что это производительность. Слабые машины, не вытянут такой энвайронмент!!!!!!!!! Это надо понимать!


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1 {by} 23:10
парни где сервер №2 ????????

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