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Crysis 3 - Одиночная кампания - Превью
Категория: Crysis Автор: Feniks 18.11.2012 Просмотры: 2120
The Fields: Crysis 3 Single Player Gameplay Preview.

Get lost in the open Fields of Crysis 3 with this all new single-player gameplay video preview.

Pre-order the Crysis 3 Hunter Edition and get the original Crysis at no extra cost! See http://www.crysis.com/us/crysis-3/pre-order-offers for details. Offer available while supplies last at participating retailers. Conditions and restrictions apply.

The unnatural power of the Nanodome has transformed the train yards of New York City into a grassland teeming with wild vegetation & opposing CELL artillery. Prophet and Psycho must venture through the heavily guarded Field to meet up with the rebel insurgency. Prophet's use of the Nanosuit and alien weapons will be critical to to get through the sandbox of the Fields level -- but how will you choose to play Crysis 3?
Метки: Crysis 3

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1 IngwarCa 13:29
Модель повреждений имеется, разрушаются не только деревья и это радует. smile Понравилось как на 3:50 минуте турель расстреляла бетонную плиту. cool

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